The Blood Worm

Ai Hui and the rest were caught up in a grueling battle.

When one was down on his luck, his bad luck would just accumulate. A blood worm had emerged from the ground of the courtyard. The hard ground erupted as if it was a body of water. The traps they had set up previously were completely useless and were ripped to smithereens.

At first glance, everyone thought it to be a blood snake. But upon closer inspection, they could not help but gasp in terror.

The blood worm was extremely hideous.

It was the largest worm they had ever seen in their lives. Its body was thicker than the width of a bucket and at least twenty meters long. The blood worm had yet to completely exit the ground, and on sections of its body, thin, black stripes could be seen in even distributions.

Its gigantic body gave it terrifying strength. With one hit, even if it didn’t cause death, there would at least be severe injuries as a result.