The Four Seasons of the God Nation

The road leading into the God Nation was lined with blood trees on both sides. They stood tall and imposing, like monsters waiting to attack.

Taking in the familiar sweet scent made She Yu feel great.

The first batch of blood trees that were used to spread the blood poison had been turned into fertilizer after they had produced seeds. The blood trees she now saw were germinated from those seeds. These second generation blood trees had grown rapidly in the past year and were now extremely large.

This insane rate of growth completely defied the laws of nature.

It was flowering season and blood tree blossoms could be seen everywhere. Scarlet was the landscape’s dominant color, which made it look completely different from the Avalon of Five Elements. The flowers were not in shades of red though. They were mostly a deep black or a dull white, with the occasional sky blue. Many people enjoyed plucking these flowers as decorations for their homes.