You’re my Fourth Master?

Chu Yang rolled down from the top of the perimeter-wall like a loaf of flat bread, and landed on the ground with a 'thud'. He then bellowed viciously as he lay spread-eagled on the ground, "The blame is on you… your provocation was 'too' successful! Nobody can insult my master to my face, and not pay the price! The same goes for you too!"

He continued after spitting out a mouthful of bloody spittle, "Even if your intentions were good, the fact remains that you insulted my master!"

Young Master Wu remained dumbfounded for quite some time, before he eventually spoke, "… even though you look ordinary… you're actually quite exceptional!" (1)

Chu Yang grunted, "Young Master Yu, I'll pester you for a lifetime if you don't apologize for the words you've spoken today."

Young Master Yu merely shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I have done many despicable, cheap and contemptible things in my life. The only thing that I haven't… is apologized!"