The Swordpoint Has Returned Home

As he stared at the solid wall, Chu Yang pondered deeply about how he should extract the swordpoint. It was buried deep in the wall.

Just then, the Nine Tribulations Sword spirit within his dantian suddenly surged strongly. The sensation was so potent that Chu Yang's heart nearly pounded out of his chest.

Gritting his teeth with resolve, Chu Yang decided that he must do it at all cost.

Chu Yang swung his arm. With a smooth motion, he drew his sword. Next, he started channelling his internal energy and focusing it on his sword. Suddenly, the cold energy within the Nine Tribulations Sword spirit in his dantian poured out into the sword in his hand. In the blink of an eye, the ordinary sword transformed into a radiant, crystalline sabre, emanating a blinding light!

The entire cave became instantly illuminated as if it was daylight!
