A Sword Like Thunder!

Before he could say finish his last words, Mo Cheng Gui's eyes had already turned into two black holes. His mouth was of rotting teeth. His entire body had turned into a black puddle in the blink of an eye.

This Bone Dissolving Spirit Dispersing Fragrance was truly too cruel!

He let out a loud cry. He gathered the last bit of his strength at his left hand and palmed his own forehead. Blood splattered everywhere as he struck himself. Before his body could even fall to the ground, it had already turned into white mist. His whole body dropped to the ground.

They had only just begun competing, yet the Mo clan had already lost a King level master!

Mo Tianyun jumped into the air and caught Sunlight Saber with a white piece of animal skin in his hand. Without even blinking for a moment, he ordered, "Move out!"

Surprisingly, he did not even bother to glance at the body of his uncle, which was now just a black puddle.