An Unimaginable Cooperation

The young lady held a pensive yet cold gaze as she turned towards Tie Longcheng. However, her expression slowly changed, as the sadness in her eyes began to reveal itself.

"It happened 3 years ago when the emperor was injured by a poison arrow. This affected his health drastically as his condition was extremely unstable. The prince was only 10 years of age and despite his brilliance, it would have been difficult for the people of Iron Cloud to accept his ascension to the throne. At that point in time, Iron Cloud was on the verge of destruction with all of the officials thinking of their own future instead of the country."

Tie Longcheng explained it slowly. His speed made it seem as though Chu Yang was explaining it himself. Moreover, this was their first encounter with each other. Even though Chu Yang was of a high social status, it did not mean that this man should have to explain himself to him like this. This made Chu Yang extremely curious.