What Does It Mean to Get Rid of Somebody Once He Has Served His Purpose?

"Wu Kuang Yun! You…" Long Ao was struck with grief and indignation. He was in an inconsolable state of mind at the moment. He reached out with his hand and pointed at Wu Kuang Yun. He screamed as he shed tears of blood. His scream could literally piece one's heart. However, he only saw an expression of malice and ridicule in Wu Kuang Yun's eyes.

[So… he never intended to persuade me to surrender!]

[He has been playing me all this time!] Long Ao almost collapsed as this thought arose in his mind. He had always been very proud of his intelligence and smartness. But, he had been played so miserably today!

The enemy troops were to the front, while his own army was to the rear. However, his army was 'booing' at him to show their displeasure and distrust in him. Long Ao had an urge to draw his sword and commit suicide… as if to apologize to the whole world.

Humiliation! Utter Humiliation!