How Can Such A Thing Happen in the World?

Chu Yang was rushing about in a mountain forest. He was leaving a trail of dust behind. There were less than 15,000 fleeing troops following behind him! This cat-and-mouse chase had left everyone exhausted!

They had been moving in circles in the mountain forest. But, they had finally come to a stage where they couldn't persist anymore!

Iron Cloud's elites were familiar with this terrain. Hence, only the people of the Golden Horse Riders Department were fed up with moving in circles. And so, they were grumbling complaints endlessly.

Moreover, Chu Yang had consciously avoided any sort of water source throughout the chase. He would always rush towards dried up mountain springs. Moreover, everyone was sweating profusely in this burning hot and humid weather. Even Cheng Zi Ang and the others behind him were drenched in sweat. In fact, they were panting heavily with open mouths.