Super Doomsayer!

Sword Spirit nagged with hidden bitterness. He chattered in a somewhat nervous manner. Chu Yang was shocked by this. The Sword Spirit had used only a bit of his spiritual power in the past, and he had come close to dying due to cardiac pain. And, now he had mentioned to use half of his spiritual power to accelerate the ripening of the Heavenly Orchid…

However, Chu Yang turned a deaf ear to him. And, he continued to follow after Young Master Yu. At present, his strongest desire was to upgrade the Nine Tribulation Sword, and to treat Mo Qingwu as quickly as possible. So, he pretended not to hear to this 'presumptuous' request…

[Um, wait for me to finish the main business first. Then, I might mention about it later… but, the hope of getting it depends on Young Master Yu …]