Super Spendthrift

Tan Tan had lost his head, and couldn't select the right way to go back in the rush. He was as anxious as a stray dog, and as restless as a fish that had barely escaped the net.

He nearly returned to the cave soon after. However, he suddenly had a realization. So, he turned his head and confirmed that those three weren't following him. This made him groan. Then, he sat down on the ground, and gasped heavily for breath.

[That was scary! That white-robed man… was so frightening!]

[Why didn't that large pack of silver wolves dare to fight back?]

Tan Tan wiped his cold sweat. He still had a lingering fear in his heart. He thought for a very long time about the prowess of that white-robed man. However, only the word 'scary' could do justice to his description.

[Damn. I was lucky that those three psychos mistook me as their king for some reason. Otherwise, I would've been in a big trouble…]