The Terrifying Master of Calculation and Manipulation!

Everyone was startled by this, "Why is it improper? Do you think that there is someone craftier than you among the people present here?"

"I can act as a trusted advisor at the most. Planning the strategies, determining victory over the vast battlefield, analyzing the enemy's plot, and quietly carrying out counter strategies… I can do these things. I am obligated to do so!"

Mo Tianji said with a smile, "However, I'm not cut for being the decision-maker and battle commander. Instead, I have some other man in mind for that role!"

He paused for a while, and further said, "Every man among us has enough leadership abilities. Moreover, we all have great capability if we talk about controlling ordinary situations. But, we are not as good as that one person I have in mind. Therefore, the most I can do is offer advice until that person arrives. Then, we will cause a commotion, and make our enemy tired of constantly running for their lives. This would be good."