Parting Ways

The consequences of doing so would only strangle each brother's personality. For instance… the kind of personalities Gu Duxing and Dong Wushang have… They wouldn't be able to reach higher achievements if they were to grow under someone's protection.

All of them would inevitably encounter a crisis of life and death after separation. In fact, they would encounter it more than once. However, they must still part ways.

Gu Duxing had said it right — because this crisis is the respective highlight in their lives…

… no matter if they were to die facing it…

And, Gu Duxing had intentionally brought about this idea of learning from experiencing extreme dangers at this time of turmoil and war.

"Alright, then. All of us will go our separate ways," Chu Yang finally made up his mind and smiled.

"Um, I'll go and check on Aobo first. Then, I'll go back to my clan from Aobo's place," Ji Mo's eyebrows trembled in excitement.