Tu Qianhao’s Epiphany!

"Especially when I found out that you've already become a Sword Emperor…" Tu Qianhao miserably laughed, "Ha-ha… I lost my heart at that instant. Afterwards, I had said that I'd go and kill Gu Duxing. And, Black Devil had commented on this — he's a Sword Emperor. What grade King are you?"

Tu Qianhao mimicked Black Devil's tone as he said these words. In fact, he had vividly imitated that ridiculing tone to perfection. This showed how greatly those words had stimulated him at that time.

"I had realized that I couldn't overtake or kill you at that time itself. However, I could always die at yours hands, right?" Tu Qianhao snorted, "I – Tu Qianhao – will die. However, I'd still be a thousand times better man than those bastards who only speak behind others' back and never dare to face the enemy!

"And, I'd be ten-thousand times prouder than them!" Tu Qianhao had roared while saying this.