Insidious Minister

Gu Duxing's figure flew along with the sword-light. The sword-beam was swallowed in, and spat out like lightning. Ao Yu Yun let out a loud shout, and softly collapsed… A big hole had been opened in his throat. Then, the bodyguards on his side pounced over crazily.

It seemed that Gu Duxing didn't even realize that he had killed an important person. He didn't seem to notice that the enemy was approaching him from everywhere in a crazy manner. His body turned around whilst being as light as feather. Then, it rushed into another direction like lightning. The sword-light went slashing the whole way, and people kept screaming and collapsing…

His body suffered many heavy blows in a row. However, he remained unfazed. He had immersed himself in this bizarre situation wherein he kept harvesting human lives…