How Can We Not Avenge Our Sons?

Dong Wushang crazily shouted out loud. He leapt up, gripped his saber in his hands, and hacked down like a thunderbolt!

That man retreated in panic. But, this saber was extremely overbearing. It went forward, shrouded the man, and blocked his path of retreat in the process. Therefore, he didn't have any other option than to face the attack.

He roared and lifted his sword to meet the attack… He felt boundless regret in his heart at that same time, [My cultivation is better than this guy. But, I hadn't expected that this guy's saber and saber techniques would be so extraordinary. His overbearing attacks have made me fall into such a desperate situation.]

He should've easily killed this Saber Emperor in this fight with his several decades of experience and his cultivation.