Removing The Root of Disease

Chu Yang smiled bitterly, saying, "If you know where does my eccentricity come from and what did I experience, you won't feel surprised."

Chu Xiaoxin smiled, and said, "If you're born naturally this way, I won't feel surprised. But how can geniuses achieve greatness if they don't go through wind and frost?"

"The education that offspring of big clans received from young is far more than you. Regardless of bearing or conspiracies, they are better than you. But you must remember one thing: One can only see the true hero at the crucial moment of life and death!"

Chu Xiaoxin laughed and said, "So, one can only see the true courage and stamina of a person when this person faces the threat of dying. And if you want to compete with the nine great clans, victory or defeat is determined between life and death."

Chu Yang nodded silently.

He could fully understand what Chu Xiaoxin meant by 'victory or defeat is determined between life and death'.