Zi Xieqing

Chu Yang sighed in his heart and thought of such a picture: In the endless void, an infatuated woman, alone, searched on planes after planes, but she still couldn't find the person that she wanted to find. It was an inexplicably bleak scene…

It would really make anyone feel like collapsing.

Who could understand the bitterness that one had to endure in searching for someone for hundreds of thousands of years?

Chu Yang suddenly thought of a short poem written by Xue Leihan in his previous life:

I thought that you're here, so I had come…

But when I came into this world, you weren't here…

So, I reincarnated again and again, and searched for you for life after life…

I don't dare to forget for every life,

Just because we once made a promise to each other…

Even if you break your promise time and again,

And make me wander around for life after life…