Good poem, good poem?

Trouble had finally come.

Zi Xieqing was very annoyed and angry.

As she knew that Chu Yang had an important matter to handle here, she had veiled her face. This was the only time that she had veiled her face along the way.

She didn't want to stir up trouble.

But trouble found her. Although her face was covered, she was still being chased after by people to the inn.

It could be seen how keen these bunch of fops were towards the pursuit of beauty!

"Big brother, is it really an offense for women to be beautiful?" Chu Le'er asked a little bewilderedly, "Will there definitely be so many troubles if a woman is beautiful? If that's the case, is it destined that a beautiful woman can't lead a happy life?"

Chu Yang sighed deeply. He really didn't know how to answer his younger sister's question.
