The taste of one’s own medicine

Along with uniform footsteps was a group of people who came from afar. They had just traveled around the corner but made it seem as though the world had been shrouded in darkness.

Black clothes, black robes and black horses!

At that instant, the glow at the edge of the sky disappeared and the endless dusk descended!

The people in the alleys started to get this feeling: the boundless land entered darkness immediately when the Ye clan arrived.

That group of people seemed to have brought the night here!

Chu Yang's heart was filled with austerity, the Ye clan indeed lived up to their reputation. Their aura and hegemony alone made them entirely worthy to be the leader of the Nine Heavens!

As he was thinking, a gentle and demure voice interrupted him. "Second brother, let me play please, please."

The voice gave Chu Yang, Zi Xieqing and Chu Le'er goosebumps at the same time.