Expose a Plot

At this moment, sitting in the frontmost seat of a quiet and elegant tavern, were Feng Yurou and Yue Lingxue.

Sitting opposite was the Lan Clan Second Grandmaster, Lan Muxue.

All of a sudden, the Moon Breeze couple received an invitation for dinner from Lan Muxue today. They were unable to reject the invitation and could only turn up for the dinner to show their due respect.

Within the Nine Super Clans, only Lan Muxue commanded such respect from the Moon Breeze couple, sufficient enough to invite them for dinner.

This was not to say that the "Miles of ice and chilly sky, twilight upon a thousand snow-capped mountains full of flower petal" was so great that the Moon Breeze couple had to show their due respect for him. It was more of the case that both Yue Lingxue and Feng Yurou owed the Lan Clan a huge favor. The favor of recommending Wu Qianqian, a highly satisfactory disciple with such an enchanted physique.