Ling Hanwu — A Life of Struggle and Pain and A Life of Loneliness

They didn't know what it was that pulled them through but they actually made it to Ling Hanwu's side!

Countless swords were aimed at them, but Ye Chuchen stepped forward courageously and faced them all.

"Do not get in our way, let us speak with him!" Ye Chuchen's voice was wracked with sobs. Her body trembled as she spoke. A frenzied flame seemed to be burning violently in her eyes.

Her voice was determined and brooked no defiance, but there was an unusual sense of detachment in it too.

The kind that was reminiscent of a heart that had already turned as cold as dead ashes.

Ye Di's sinister voice said lightly, "Let them!" He let out a small sigh. "On account of Ling Fengyun, I'll let you say your last words to each other."

Before he even finished, Meng Chaoran had already rushed over, gathering Ling Hanwu into his arms.

Ling Hanwu's consciousness was already beginning to fade.

His pupils were also starting to dilate.