Every Drop of Tears Within the Snow is Cold

While the South East was bustling with activities, Dong Wushang and Rui Butong were on their way to the destination on a horse carriage, albeit at a slow speed. Along the way, they met quite a few bullies who tried to take a share of their loot. After all, this long trail of carriages was simply too tempting.

Fortunately, the blood payers hired by those two were not mediocre. Of course, if they met any tough opponents, it would be Dong Wushang who had to settle it. With a saber in his hand, he was invincible!

Although he did not use his own dark saber, with a cultivation level like his, any saber on his hands would not make much of a difference.

Along the road, it became a journey for Dong Wushang to learn and practice through actual battles. He basically fought all along the way to the South East.