Old Chu, Do you Understand?

Tie Butian felt really embarrassed. This person's mother was actually her Senior Sister, yet she had fallen in love with this person… This was really embarrassing… Now that everything was out in the open, how was she going to face him?

'An ugly woman could not avoid seeing her husband's parents after all.'

Someone actually said this sentence. That person was really acting recklessly!

Thinking of that 'Senior Sister as well as Mother-in-law', Tie Butian felt really shameful momentarily, too ashamed to show her face.

"Heard that you have seen my mother?" Chu Yang covered his belly and tilted his head, sizing up the beauty in front of him.

Tie Butian momentarily felt bitter. "It was really Senior Sister who told you about it."

Chu Yang denied it. "Absolutely not." Chu Yang thought in his mind that although his mother did tell him about it, the first person who told him was definitely not her.