A Man Without Any Status

It was already late and that fellow still hadn't returned. Tie Butian was a little restless. She got a few official documents out, intending to go through them and give herself something to do, but she couldn't calm down no matter what.

That scoundrel just disappeared after leaving behind a few words this afternoon. Where did he go off to fool around?

She was waiting for him here but… if he really came… what were they going to do?

When she thought of that, the Emperor's pretty face heated up intensely and turned a fiery red from embarrassment.

With a squeak, the door opened.

A shadow entered the room in a flash.

"You're back." Tie Butian was in the midst of reading her official documents. She had been holding on to the red-inked brush for ages without writing anything but Chu Yang's entrance immediately produced results — she lost her grip on the brush, which landed squarely on the document.