A Superb Trickster


The white jade teacup in Li Tongtian's hand slipped and fell to the ground, breaking into three pieces.

Right now, Supremacy Li's eyes were widened so large that they were the size of bells. Even his breathing became ragged and his face flushed completely red!

He could easily prospect Purple Crystal mines?

And easily extract Purple Crystal mines?

This… Wasn't this exactly what they, the Li Clan, had been racking their brains over for the last ten thousand years?

How was it that… this fellow came out of nowhere and actually resolved this ten-thousand-year old problem in an instant?

A wave of dizziness came over Li Tongtian. The Supreme Martial Artist next to him didn't fare any better; his mouth was gaping so big that one could easily fit two duck eggs in there.

A few soft thuds could be heard from outside — It was the sound of the other four Supreme Martial Artists eavesdropping outside knocking their heads against the tent.