Tianlan City in Chaos

The Lan Clan was really out of luck these days.

When the second batch of people left for the Lower Three Heavens, the Lan Clan finally started to sort out their mess. The majestic main gates that had stood for ten thousand years were directly burned into a pile of black ash and could not be used anymore.

Naturally, the Lan Clan had to do a thorough renovation.

About this, Lan Clan had to comfort themselves: It's been ten thousand years, we've long disliked it. Now that it's burned, it's a perfect chance for a nicer new look.

For the Lan Clan to embark on their great construction project, it naturally required purchases. Yet so many had died in the clan, and naturally, their funerals needed to be done. All the higher-ranking members of the clan were busying themselves with important matters, and all the matters they saw were important, how would they have any energy left for such trivial matters? Naturally, they simply ordered their subordinates to do it.