The Fury of the Demon King, The Demise of The Supreme Martial Artist

Let's talk about Ning Tianya who sped his way out of the passageway that day instead. When he saw sunlight again, he breathed a sigh of relief at once.

He then found himself very weirded out.

Why did I suddenly breathe a sigh of relief?

It seems like I've been holding my breath all this time?


He suddenly thought of that strange-looking young man he had encountered in the passageway.

Ning Tianya remembered clearly that even though he was on guard at that time, he didn't really take much notice of that fellow. It was just a person behaving like a madman…

But as he relaxed his guard in this instant, he couldn't help but think of that man.

That man's appearance suddenly became clearer than before in his mind.

Could it be that I've been holding my breath because I was guarding against him?

Could… that man have actually given me such a dangerous feeling?