Qingwu Draws Her Saber

Mo Lei'er's fighting skills were very developed from the start, and after she came to the Upper Three Heavens, she followed Dong Wushang closely while her cultivation improved; she also experienced more and more pressure.

To have such a husband with demonic-like natural martial talents, Mo Lei'er was proud on the one hand but stressed on the other hand — She was always worried that the speed of her cultivation could not match up with Dong Wushang.

For a couple to traverse the martial world together, if either party's cultivation was inferior, they would always feel that they were "being a burden", and it was particularly strong when faced with strong enemies.

Because one party being weaker would definitely cause the other party to feel concerned and therefore get distracted, which could be dangerous.

Mo Lei'er as a descendant of the dark demons naturally understood the harm of being weaker.