The Man from Magnificent Jewel Hall

"Puff!" Jun Moxie was drinking a mouthful of wine when he heard that, and started to choke. He unintentionally sprayed out the entire wine on uncle Jun Wuyi, who was sitting opposite him, and started coughing.

"Wow… haha….Li Shang, that old self-defeating bastard's Dantian was so badly damaged that it seemed like he was taking his dying breaths. Even his beloved grandson Li Youran was also badly affected." It had been many years since the old man had laughed in such a carefree manner: "That pretty boy's face was so badly disfigured… haha…"

Jun Moxie was holding his wine cup with a flabbergasted look on his face.

[I,I,I had only intended on doing minor damage to them. I had never imagined that it would bear such splendid results ah… I only wanted the Jade Coral to be a little damaging, that was all I wanted to do….]