This Life's First Deal's Commission

"There's a lot of investigation going on around the destruction of the northern part of the city. It could be a coincidence, but Qin Hu's son, Qin Xiaobao unknowingly and unintentionally offended Tang Yuan and Jun Moxie! Jun Moxie and his sidekick would have surely retaliated in some way, but I don't think that they could be behind the mysterious destruction of the northern part of the city…. however, I don't could just be becoming a little paranoid, but I think that this could be related in some way, but I can't really describe the reason behind my suspicions." Li Youran stood up and started slowly pacing back and forth. "At the moment, the northern part of the city has lost its eyes and ears, which is why we are missing the majority of our sources in that part of the town, so we'll need to make up for that loss as soon as possible."