How do we handle this?

The bodies in front of Jun Wuyi's eyes were very seriously deformed and distorted. The lengths of the bodies of these youngsters were less than two feet from the waist to the foot, while their arms and chests were as distorted and deformed as their lower bodies. It was difficult to tell how long these people had been contained in these jars. The only parts of their bodies that were allowed to be free from the restriction of these jars were their heads, and simply so that they could breathe and eat. These people were even made to urinate and excrete in their respective jars itself…

They eyes of these people were still flashing from one point to the other, and even though their eyes seemed to be begging the two men for mercy, their mouths were unable to make any sounds, apart from a 'hiss'. Upon a closer look, it was evident that their tongues had been cut out….