
The hitman's nature somewhat resembled that of a donkey; if you stroke it gently, then you'd feel the softness of its hair, but if you're blindly harsh, then Jun Moxie would react even more harshly! This, perhaps was the greatest weakness of his character.

Although Ye Guhan was the one who was making the accusations at Jun Moxie, he completely ignored the man, making his face blue with anger, and helplessly glimpsed at Dugu Xiaoyi: "Miss Dugu, do you also believe that I abducted Little White? I haven't done any such thing; I never abducted him… he jumped into my palanquin on his own. Even the last time I met him, Little White showed a fondness towards me…. And why would I ever try to steal him? For making a pot stew out of him? But he's so small…. He won't even give out much meat either..."