The Flame of Primal Chaos, and the Furnace of Good Fortune

[TL's note:

The flame of primal chaos refers to a mythical flame that is the origination of all matter; like the big bang theory sort of a thing. The object referred to as a furnace, is more like a cauldron in terms of appearance.]

There were two bodies of Jun Moxie's inside the Hongjun Pagoda at the moment; A real one, and an illusionary one.

An irresistibly strong force was trying to pull the two bodies together, and soon the two bodies fused together and became one.

The Furnace of Good Fortune had started issuing a sonorous sound once again, and soon a light emerged from it, circled around the furnace, and then vanished into nothingness.

Jun Moxie suddenly realized that his wrist had been cut, and blood was flowing out of that cut like fountain; however, instead of falling down to the ground, his blood was falling straight into the furnace!