Allow me to be your host for one year!

"You should be dead!" Jun Moxie glared back at him: "A genius was looking after his injury, and you have the courage to ask if he's dead?"

At this moment, Hai Chenfeng calmly walked out of the medical room.

The Solitary Eagle had just opened his mouth to shout back at Jun Moxie, and was now left staring wide-eyed, and open-mouthed at the marvel in front of his eyes.

[He was half-dead when I brought him here, and now it's barely a few hours later, and he's actually walking out like nothing ever happened? Even a miracle-doctor can't heal people that fast, right?! ]

[This world has turned upside down, right? And I'm standing in hell today, right? ]

"Well?" the Solitary Eagle rubbed his eyes in disbelief: "All good? Your strength has also been restored?"

"All good!" Hai Chenfeng's sullen reply was clearly indicative of the anger within his heart: "Never better Master Falcon; the miraculous doctor has restored Chen Feng's body to normal."