Operating separately

"Yes, that's what happened…." Han Yanmeng continued to sob, while her voice even stammered as she recollected running into that naked man in the Maple Forest, and the fight which followed soon after. Her audience, old and experienced enough in worldly matters had already understood that this was probably just a misunderstanding and nothing more!

Based on the their evaluation of the man's Mystic Qi level, they could clearly sense that the man was probably running around naked inside the forest in order to practice some sort of martial technique when the Little Princess and Xiao Fengwu disrupted his practice, forcing the man to halt his activities, which probably provoked the man as a result!

Given the manner in which things had happened, one must give credit to their wisdom since their guess was partially correct from one perspective.

"Did that man know your origin?" the Sixth Elder asked the most crucial question.