The Malignant Tumor Serves as the Vanguard

"Hahaha…" Everyone who witnessed this funny and extremely strange scene couldn't help but laugh heartily. Murong Qianjun had come to taunt Jun Mi Xie's debauchee like behavior. But, he was smiling through his running nose and eyes as well. In fact, he held his stomach the whole time.

The vicinity was brimming with great and experienced men. They had all been married, and knew what Jun Moxie's remark and gestures meant. Moreover, this kind of vulgarity had been rather common throughout their military life. However, this sudden act by Jun Moxie had unexpectedly been rather funny.

Even the battlefield-commanders couldn't help the corners of their mouth draw into a smile. And then, their mouths opened as they burst out into laughter. They laughed loudly at first. Then, they realized that it was improper to do so. So, they tried to restrain themselves. However, they soon realized that it was no use. So, they started to laugh in an unrestrained manner.