Heavenly Punishment’s Decision

Big Bear was on the ground because of the shock. Then, he looked up and started to laugh since he couldn't help but take pleasure in Long Crane's misery. This was right before he suddenly shouted, "Eldest Brother… look! This little thing has a jade tied to his neck… this means it's someone's 'pet'… and doesn't it mean… ughhh…" it was obvious from his cold hiss that he had been shaken.

[A pet…?]

The black-clad man didn't ignore that comment. He turned the little creature around, and noticed that white piece of jade. It was a translucent-white in color; much like the little ones' fur. So, one wouldn't have noticed it if they weren't looking carefully. In fact, Big Bear wouldn't have been able to notice it if he weren't lying on the ground… and hadn't noticed the reflection of light that had denoted the difference between the fur and the jade…