I’m Stealing this Sacred Fruit for the Sake of Doing a ‘Good Deed’

The figure of the green-clad girl suddenly flashed. And, two long chains shot out of her sleeves. They went in the midst of a group of Seven-Colored Eagles, and wrapped around one of them that had dived down in front of her. She then used the chains to snap its skull off. The eagle twisted for a bit, and then died a violent death.

Jun Moxie had clearly seen that the eagle had dived down. It had opened its mouth, but it hadn't spat any venom. It had acted with narrow-minded intentions, and hadn't expected the green-clad girl would notice its slyness. In fact, it hadn't even started the rise of it flight when it was pulled down by the chain.

[So, humans aren't the only ones who act mischievously. The Mystic Beasts do it too…] Jun Moxie sighed as he thought this.