The Hero Won’t Be Alone!

Dugu Xiaoyi's tone was that of a child whose candy had been snatched away. Or… like that of a child who had been waiting under a tree for a fruit to ripen for half a year. But then, a two people suddenly come up, and take a look at the fruit… and start to discuss how to distribute the fruit amongst themselves while completely ignoring the waiting child.

[They've forgotten about me!]

She had been driven mad, and felt wronged.

Jun Wuyi and the other two stared wide eyed, and broke into laughter almost at the same time. The actions of this little girl were too adorable. She had completely driven-off the heavy load on Jun Wuyi's mind, and the embarrassment that Guan Qinghan had initially felt.

The three individuals were staring at her. So, Dugu Xiaoyi couldn't help but react. She pouted, and proclaimed whilst seething with rage, "Mine!"