Four Great Masters Fight Heavenly Punishment

The battle was about to begin.

The Solitary Eagle snorted as he took the initiative, and cupped his fists as he said, "Venerable Mei, this Solitary Eagle is happy to seek advice from you." His voice was hard yet endlessly sonorous. The Solitary Eagle came last in the ranking of the Great Masters. But, he had always been belligerent. Moreover, he had encountered that mysteriously skilled person twice before, and he considered that the-said person was even more astonishing and frightening than his present opponent. Venerable Mei's strength must've been around the same mark as that of that mysterious person. And, this fact had genuinely astonished the Solitary Eagle. However, he didn't fear this opponent. In fact, he considered that mysterious master to superior to Venerable Mei when it came to mindset and temperament.

The Master of Life and Death—Shi Changxiao—closely followed suit, and gave a warm smile, "Venerable Mei, this one is called Shi Changxiao."