Knife Thrower! Knife Thrower Appears Again!

Who wouldn't know the name of Venerable Mei after these events became public? Her name was known to a very few people on the continent. But, the entire world knew of the four Great Masters.

Could they ever go to a place where someone wouldn't mock them behind their backs? Their reputations had been ruined. People would look down on them and laugh. [These four people joined hands in a battle, but still couldn't beat someone whose name we haven't even heard…]

The three Great Masters who could still stand upright on their feet felt like digging big holes, and hiding in them.

[I can't afford to lose to this person!]

"Our side concedes defeat in today's war. Venerable Mei has thoroughly convinced us of the unrivalled power of their Mystic Cultivation." No one had spoken for a long time. So, Lei Baoyu sighed and broke that embarrassing silence.