I Want to ‘Cook Rice’ with You, Jun Moxie

[What's the reason behind a man carrying an aphrodisiac on him? What could be the possible reason behind that? We have our wives and concubines. So, that should be enough to get the thing in our pocket working. Then, there are famous brothels everywhere. And, one could easily settle their physiological problems there. So, why would a man require an aphrodisiac? It can only be regarded as a tool of the vilest men!]

[Wouldn't a man who'd pull out an aphrodisiac at this time be telling everyone that 'I am an extremely rogue character?']

[Wouldn't things become crystal clear? How would that man save his honor after that?]

The ten huge warriors stood with their mouths open and shoulders slumped. And, they had a confused expression on their face. They didn't know how to respond to her. In fact, they looked like wooden figures…