Courageous Little Girl

"I was the first one to believe in Brother Moxie. And, I'm obviously the first one to like Brother Moxie. He's mine! No one can take him from me!"

Dugu Xiaoyi declared that loudly in anger. In fact, she had forgotten what was happening at that time. And, she had also forgotten that she was the instigator of this huge matter…

"Uh… yes. He's yours, he's yours. But…" Jun Wuyi sweated profusely as he nodded repeatedly, and tried to placate that visibly emotionally stirred-up little girl.

"Don't interrupt! Just listen to what I'm saying!" the emotionally stirred little girl screamed those orders. This stupefied Commander Jun, and shut him up.

"I had to take steps to prevent Brother Moxie from getting snatched away from me. So, I… I… I… I…" Dugu Xiaoyi came back to herself as she was speaking those words. And, she was somewhat embarrassed thereof. The little girl had just told them 'not to interrupt her', but she herself was unable to speak thereafter…