Old Man Jun’s Extreme Joy turns to Sorrow

Ye Guhan's expression would become complicated whenever this would happen. And, he would consequently turn listless and melancholic. There was a sense of loss within him… But, it was also accompanied with a sense of… happiness. His eyes were full of emotion and attachment; they were full of pain and happiness. His lips would repeatedly chant a name in silence. He didn't utter the words, but those two words would still remain on his lips… [Xiu Xiu…]

Ye Guhan would frequently mutter a poem as well. It was the same one that he had recited when he was about to die that day. He would often speak that verse again…

[Don't regret such deep affection,]

[I willingly fall and wither into loneliness;]

[The regret of my beloved can haunt an eternity,]

[I shall give up on the heavens, but not on my beloved.]