His Unrivalled Prestige!

"You think that I didn't know how loyal the four Jun generals were? I know it better than anyone else! These kinds of generals are any rulers' dream, but they're also a nightmare. And, I'm no exception either! We had acquired huge advantages when we were fighting the Shen Ci and the Yu Tang empires! We could've stormed their capitals at any time as long as I or Jun Wuhui wanted it! The war had already reached its final moments! But, I let the dream of a unified land under me go in-exchange of defeat, and paid with thousands of casualties! I gave up the lives of Jun Wuhui and Jun Wumeng in those battles to maintain the equilibrium… the equilibrium of the tripartite! Do you think that my heart doesn't feel pain inside?"

"I'm even more confused in that case! Why did you let go of the opportunity of a unified the land? Not only did you let that slip, but you were also content to be defeated?! Did you lose your mind or something?" the Empress was truly puzzled.