You Will Bring Great Sufferings for the Common People!

He had spoken those three words very slowly. And, there had been a pause between each of them. However, he had also spoken them very calmly. In fact, it seemed as if he had expected and prepared for this; he knew for sure that it could be none other than Jun Moxie.

"Master Mei deserves to be called the wisest of his generation. He has great foresight," the faint voice still sounded like it was chatting with an old friend. It was neither angry nor anxious. Moreover, it was full of patience.

"This old man is ashamed! How could he dare to be called a wise man? And, what foresight do you speak of? Young Master had notified me long ago; that's why I haven't slept yet. Instead, I've been waiting so that I may welcome Young Master Jun with honor."

Mei Gaojie finally turned around. He was calm. But, there was a flash of alarm in his eyes as he looked at the youngster who stood in front of him.

[This man isn't 'that' young debauchee who I remember, right?]