Concocting Pills

And, the restrictions were the same as the Vitality Linkage Pill. Basically, great rewards are always accompanied with high risk.

It has to be said that anyone could've easily realized that Jun Moxie was being an idiot. After all, he hadn't realized that the Vitality Congregation Pill was pretty much the same as the Spirit Amassing Pills from the previous level. However, its effectiveness was far more than that of those pills from the previous.

The Heavenly Vitality Pill…

This pill could be used to increase strength; but, it had no other benefits. It could be said to be an upgraded version of the Ten Years' Pills. Taking one of these pills would increase the strength by fifty years. However, its restrictions were greater than that of the Ten Years' Pills. It couldn't be taken by anyone. Only those at Heaven Mystic Realm and above could take these.