Chops a Great Master in One Strike!

"The Old Lord is…" one of the black-robed men blurted out under the pressure of her formidable aura. But, he quickly realized that opening his mouth would be akin to surrendering information. So, he hastily shut it. This was no different than burying his head in the sand…

"The Old Lord…? So, that Old Man Huyan Tian Feng has positioned himself behind the scenes now. So, the New Lord… is his son?"

Mei Xueyan gave them a cynical glance, "… has that Old Huyan become that arrogant? Your Three Holy Lands were anyways despicable, and this one has even handed-over the leadership to his own son. He has even forgotten the tradition of abdicating the post to the most worthy individual. The Three Holy Lands had always relied on meritocracy for succession of leadership. But, your Illusory Ocean of Blood has made this a matter of inheritance… That Old Huyan has made his third-rate son the Lord of the Illusory Ocean of Blood? I'm genuinely amazed by this!"