The Fatal Combination of the Falcon and the Snake!

"Who is this? Can I ask which of the other two Holy Lands' people have come here? I request that you show yourself to prevent a misunderstanding from affecting our friendship!"

The Huang Ancestor had a very cautious look on his face. That one sentence had been enough for him to assess that this person was a veteran. Those words had been simple, but he had realized that this person was extremely strong. In fact, he had even disregarded the insult concealed in this individual's words because of this reason, and had asked this question instead of retaliating. Even the tone of his voice had changed. And, that's because he had quickly judged that this newcomer's strength was extremely high.

It must be mentioned that those words of insult were nothing more than a trivial matter when it came to the assurance of his safety in front of such danger. Huang Taiyang was a man who possessed hundreds of years' worth of experience. So, how could he not understand that truth?