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This was the place he had just fought in. This was the place where he had fought the Solitary Eagle. This was the place he had bravely forced the Snake King to retreat! But, it was also the place where he had faced his greatest humiliation…

However, the most interesting part was that the Huang Ancestor hadn't realized this point at this time. And, that's because he hadn't had enough time! He knew that he had evaded the sword. But, his keen perception had made him realize that the sword was still chasing in order to kill him.

The sword's cold and piercing aura had tailed him closely. It was circling his eyes, throat, and other places. And, it would pierce his body the moment the opportunity would arise.

Huang Taiyang's escape had come unexpected to his enemy when he had retreated in an attempt to fight for his life. Consequently, he had escaped with his life for the time being. But, his enemy hadn't given up on chasing him down.